Dear Customers, this recipe is available in Georgian..
Dear customer, this recipe is available in Georgian
Recipe is available in Georgian Language.
Chicken fillet 200 gr,
Bread crumps 400 gr,
Flour 400 gr,
Egg 2,
Mustard powder 8 gr,
Ginger powder 8 gr,
Salt 8 gr,
Pepper 6 gr,
Lemon 70 gr,
Dill 10 gr.
Preparation: Cut the chicken fillet in half, place on a board, cover with plastic wrap and beat gently (so that the meat does not crack). Soak tenderized chicken fillet in brine and keep for at least 20 minutes. At the same time, prepare the ingredients for the breading: bread crumps in one bowl where you will mix ½ of the dry ingredients (spices, in the quantities indicated in grams) and salt, in the other bowl – flour and mix the remaining dry ingredients, in the third bowl add eggs, salt, and mix well. After keeping meat, make a consistent breading (egg, flour, egg, bread crumps). Heat the oil in a saucepan up to 160 degrees. Put the schnitzel in the pan and cook for 5-6 minutes. Transfer the cooked schnitzel to the desired dish, add coriander (or any herbs, if desired), squeeze above the lemon to taste and enjoy.