Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup


Broth set  1 pack,     

Onion  120 gr,

Peas  60 gr,  

Carrot 120 gr, 

Garlic 6 gr,  

Butter 30 gr,  

Flour 45 gr,  

Milk  500 ml, 

Chicken fillet 350 gr, 

Pasta (macaroni)  250 gr, 

Salt 15 gr.      


Preparation: Place the broth on low fire for 40 minutes (put the broth set, onion, crushed garlic, washed carrot skin in the pot and pour water so that the products are covered well). Put the chicken fillet cut in half in the pot, add brine, leave it in the cold for 30 minutes and then boil for 10 minutes. Fry the flour in a frying-pan until golden color, pour melted butter, mix together (after mixing well, remove from the fire). Filter the prepared broth, add milk to the filtered liquid, place on a medium fire. After boiling, while mixing quickly add a mass of flour and butter and thicken the broth. While cooking the soup, boil the pasta Slice the carrots, peas, pasta (Fusilli) and place boiled and thinly sliced chicken in the desired dish and pour the broth mass on top. The soup is ready, transfer to the desired dish and enjoy.