Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad

Ingredients (6 Servings): 

4 pieces of cooked chicken drumsticks,

2 Romaine lettuce, 

Several leaves Radicchio, 

50 grams of Parmesan cheese, 

Croutons 250 grams of white bread, 

1 clove of garlic, 

2 tablespoons of olive oil Extra Virgin Sauce, 

50 grams of Parmesan cheese, 

2 tablespoons of 20-30 % fat sour cream, 

1-tablespoon capers, 

Juice of half a lemon,

½ cup olive oil Extra Virgin, 


Freshly ground black pepper. 


Directions: 1. Prepare Croutons. Clean garlic, press and mix with olive oil. Rest for 15 minutes. 2. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Cut the bread in 1 cm cubes. Put cubes on oven pan, pour with garlic-oil mixture, stir and put in hot oven. Cook croutons for about 10 minutes. 3. Prepare the sauce - Wash capers in cold water. Grate finely Parmesan Cheese. 4. Crush capers with salt and pepper, add olive oil and Parmesan. Grind until you get a homogeneous mix. Then add the lemon juice, sour cream, and stir once again, 5. Remove skin and bones from chicken legs. Cut in small pieces .6. Tear the Lettuce and Radicchio leaves using your hands. 7. Place the lettuce in a large bowl, then put chicken, pour sauce and toss carefully, 8. Cut the remaining Parmesan into thin slices. Place Parmesan sheets  and croutons on top of salad and serve immediately; otherwise lettuce will dry out and dish may not look very appetizing.